Web-Schrödinger is a program for the interactive solution of
the stationary (time independent) and time dependent two dimensional
(2D) Schrödinger
What's new?
Ver 3.31 -- 13. April 2022
Use secure protocol
Ver 3.3 -- 29. September 2021
Quadratic potential for rectangle now includes
V0, Vx, Vy, Vxx, Vyy, Vxy terms.
New examples for two coupled 1D particles: hard balls and coupled pendulums
Ver 3.2 -- 15. January 2020
Linear and quadratic potentials introduced
New examples: projectile motion, harmonic oscillator, diatomic molecule
Ver 3.1
New Fourier transform algorithm (FFTW) makes the time dependent calculation run faster.
Fixed a bug related to browser cache.
The program didn't update correctly the images of the time development
when the user changed the parameters.
Example file default.prj succesfully loaded
Web-Schrodinger 3.3 HEADER BEGIN Date=a_datum Time = Az_ido #comment END
MESH BEGIN Nx = 256 Ny = 256 sx = 76.8 sy = 76.8 V0 = 0 END
POT BEGIN POT = ( circle, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) POT = ( circle, 7.0, 0.0, 2.0, 6.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) END
PSI0 BEGIN xi = 0.0 yi = 28.8 ax = 5.0 ay = 5.0 ekin = 5.0 angle = -90.0 d1x = -10.0 d1y = -0.01 d2x = 10.0 d2y = 0.01 bx = 28.8 by = 0.0 END
PARAMETERS BEGIN dt = 0.2 Nt = 801 ki_Rho = 20 nstat = 3 END